BayPAT entered into an exclusive license agreement with TRIMT
Munich/Radeberg, Germany, June 1st, 2021 – BayPAT, service provider offering services in the area of technology transfer, IP management and commercialization, today announced that TRIMT and BayPAT have entered into an exclusive license deal in the field of radiopharmaceuticals. The novel radioligands, also called radiopharmaceuticals, were exclusively out-licensed to TRIMT and are based on technologies derived from the Technical University of Munich.
Subject to the license deal are innovative radioligands for imaging of different cancers, such as pancreatic canrcinoma, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer and certain lung cancers as well as lung fibrosis.
The most common and aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, the ductal adenocarcinoma, is a disease with a very low average life expectation after diagnosis. Patients often experience no symptoms at early and even advanced and metastatic stages, so the cancer is usually discovered at late stages with no possibility of cure. Added to this, there are less effective treatment options available for pancreatic cancer in comparison to oncology products for other types of cancers, and this situation has not substantially improved during the last 40 years. The early and therewith timely diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is still challenging, as its therapy.
The outlicensed technology represents a groundbreaking new possibility to solve this challenges.
TRIMT will exploit a cellular biomarker called αvβ6-integrin, which is found in high density on most pancreatic carcinoma cells, for sensitive localization of the nodules. The radioligand Ga-68-Trivehexin can track down pancreatic carcinoma by binding specifically even to small amounts of this biomarker. Thereafter, their position can be determined by highly sensitive detection systems, such as positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, facilitating the localization even of small tumors anywhere in the body. The information obtained with Ga-68-Trivehexin PET should help surgeons and oncologists to optimize their treatment, ideally facilitating complete surgical removal, or a better monitoring of the responsivness to a chemotherapy. TRIMT plans to push the novel technology towards clinical approval.
´We are thrilled to have BayPAT as a strong partner for the expansion of our clinical development portfolio in "Radiopharmacy Valley" here in Radeberg near Dresden. This opens up new opportunities for us to have a greater impact on supporting patients with life-threatening diseases´, Dr. Jakub Simecek, TRIMT’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder said. ‘We are very happy that BayPAT help filling TRIMT’s innovative product pipeline by providing access to the IP of very promising next generation ligands in the area of radiopharmacy’, added Dr. Robert Phelps, BayPAT’s Managing Director.
About BayPAT
The Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH (BayPAT) was founded in 2007 by the Universities of Bavaria e.V. and the Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences e.V. as the central patent and marketing agency to foster technology transfer of Bavarian Universities, University Hospitals and Universities of Applied Sciences and is responsible for 33 research institutes. Under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA), BayPAT (www.baypat.de) is a full-service technology management provider offering services in the area of technology transfer, IP management and commercialization. Key clients are the Bavarian Universities, University Hospitals and Universities of Applied Sciences and its over 25.000 associated scientists, as well as non-university research institutes, industry, and independent inventors worldwide. Main focus in assessing and exploiting IP are the areas of biotechnology, chemistry, medical engineering, physics, automotive industry, energy and environment engineering, information and communication technology as well as mechanical engineering.
Dr. Robert Phelps, Managing Director
Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH
Prinzregentenstr. 52
80538 Munich, Germany
Tel +49 (0)89 54801770
TRIMT GmbH was founded in early 2021 in Radeberg, the „Radiopharmacy Valley“ of Germany. The strategically advantageous position near Dresden (Saxony) was chosen due to the city's historical importance in radiopharmaceutical sciences. The location offers a cluster of excellent knowhow and collaboration opportunities - ranging from academia (TU Dresden) to established companies which are committed to chemistry and life science research, as well as to pharmaceutical manufacturing and production of radiopharmaceuticals.
Dr. Dirk Freitag-Stechl, M.B.A., CFO
Carl-Eschebach-Str. 7
01454 Radeberg, Germany
Tel +49 (0) 3528 487 1940
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