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Carbon nanofiber electrodes for use in lateral flow assays

Life Sciences, Diagnostik/Biomarker

  • Easy on-site analsysis for consumers at home maintained
  • Higher sensitivity and more quantitative measurement
  • Microfluidic systems planned

Ihr Kontakt

Dr. M. Charlotte Hemmer

+49 (0) 89 5480177 - 29


Lateral flow assays (LFAs) are immunochromatographic rapid tests in strip format that are fast and easy-to-use without a need for specialized staff or expensive equipment. These portable devices detect target substances in a liquid sample via colorimetry and are based on an antigen-antibody reaction. Electrochemical systems, on the other hand, use electrodes and enable a more sensitive and quantitative measurement compared to colorimetric detection. In conventional LFAs, colorimetric detection by eye or camera only allows for semi-quantitative results. More advanced readout devices can measure reflectometrically or fluorescently but are very expensive. This defeats the purpose of a cheap test for a quick and easy use at home for consumers. There are currently no electrodes that can be integrated in a flow system and allow for electrochemical measurements in a 3D electrode network in conventionasl LFAs.


The invention describes printable freestanding laser-induced carbon nanofibers (LCNF) with outstanding analytical performance that can easily allow such miniaturization through a paper-based microfluidic strategy. 3D-carbon nanomaterials have proven to be high-performance transducers in electrochemical sensors. The LCNF electrodes were generated from electrospun polyimide nanofibers and one-step laser carbonization. Integration into closed microfluidic systems highlights that 3D porous structures provide excellent analytical performance and translation to affordable lab-on-a-chip devices such as LFAs.

Kommerzielle Möglichkeiten

  • Higher sensitivity and more quantitative measurement compared to conventional LFAs
  • Easy on-site analsysis for consumers at home is maintained
  • Unchallenging integration into current production processes
  • Microfluidic systems planned: Direct flow through microchannels in electrode due to inherent capillarity


TRL Level 3


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