Parabolic and wave-shaped cogwheels
- Improved load capacity allowes higher rotation speeds
- Homogeneus power distribution
- Less noise and reduced wear offer comfort and longer lifespan
Parabolic and wave-shaped cogwheels
Vibration Decoupling for Dilution Refrigerators
Shear cutting: inline measurement of wear and cut quality
LINAC Cavities Made by Additive Manufacturing
3D Printing: Improving Fiber Deposition Accuracy in Melt Electrowriting
3D Printing: Novel Print Head for Multiscale Fabrication
Auxetic Diameter Regulator
Modulares Logistiksystem mit vertikaler Raumnutzung
Thermoelektrische Messung der Bauteiltemperatur im Umformwerkzeug
Laser pulse distance measurement in real time (>100 MHz)
Double cutting disc with curved deformation lines
Logistics: Smart production system for pro- duction Islands
Online Monitoring System for Technical Braiding Processes
Bewegliche Türdichtung für flächenbündige Innenraumpendeltür
Antilock Braking System (ABS) for bicycles
Rotating reactor for heterogeneous transfer of substances
Process for the production of alcohols
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