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  • Parabolic and wave-shaped cogwheels


    Parabolic and wave-shaped cogwheels

    • Improved load capacity allowes higher rotation speeds
    • Homogeneus power distribution
    • Less noise and reduced wear offer comfort and longer lifespan
  • Vibration Decoupling for Dilution Refrigerators


    Vibration Decoupling for Dilution Refrigerators

    • Possible upgrade for commercial cryostats with minimal impact on the size of the available sample volume
    • In dry cryostats, almost no vibrations are transferred to the sample even when the pulse-tube cooler is on
    • Multi-stage thermal insulation and mechanical damping ensure minimal interference from external support
    • Fully operational extensively tested prototype available
  • Shear cutting: inline measurement of wear and cut quality


    Shear cutting: inline measurement of wear and cut quality

    • Can be used independently of material and tool type
    • Instantaneous monitoring of process and cut surface characteristics
    • Maintains optimal tool performance
    • Easy retrofitting
  • LINAC Cavities Made by Additive Manufacturing


    LINAC Cavities Made by Additive Manufacturing

    • Relevant reduction of manufacturing costs
    • Freedom in cavitiy design due to additive manufacturing
    • Optimized cavity geometries reduce LINAC operating costs while increasing operating time and lifetime
    • Innovation can be used in particle accelerators for e.g. radiation therapy, cargo scanning or food
  • Auxetic Diameter Regulator


    Auxetic Diameter Regulator

    • Innovative active gap-control mechanism for gas turbines
    • Increased gas-turbine efficiency due to reduced secondary air flow
    • Simple and space-saving design
  • Double cutting disc with curved deformation lines


    Double cutting disc with curved deformation lines

    • Resonance frequency of the inventive cutting disc shifted to rotational speeds > 30% higher compared to state of the art
    • Kinetic energy increased by 75%
    • Cutting disc can safely be operated at higher rotational speed and longer lifetime
  • Antilock Braking System (ABS) for bicycles


    Antilock Braking System (ABS) for bicycles

    • Energy self-sufficient bicycle ABS
    • All system components encapsulated in the front wheel hub
    • Compatible with standard mechanical and hydraulic disc brakes
  • Process for the production of alcohols


    Process for the production of alcohols

    • Synthesis gas (e.g. CO, CO2, H2) is converted by microorganisms in a bioreactor
    • cascade of two serially connected stirred-tank reactors
    • Utilization for small application as well as for industrial scale up

17 von 90 Tech Offers

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