City of Munich launches innovation challenge
Feb 26, 2019
The City of Munich runs an annual innovation challenge focused on topics in the field of smart cities. Students, entrepreneurs and all players involved in the startup community are called on to submit sustainable, innovative proposals for solutions to the specified municipal challenges.
The most convincing solutions will win the innovation award and will be further developed and tested in practice in collaboration with Munich’s city administration and UnternehmerTUM (the Center for Innovation and Business Creation at TUM).
Ideas for the 2019 round of the competition must be submitted by May 19, 2019.
This competition opens up Munich's public administration to innovation. It provides an opportunity to try out and implement new ways of doing things at the municipal level. We are looking for innovative solution proposals and concepts relating to the challenges specified by Munich's local government.
The topics addressed in 2019 are: „Waste avoidance at Munich's schools“, „Weekly digital market – Penetrating new target groups“, „Self-generating calendar of cultural events in urban districts“ and „Making use of crowdsourcing – Working together to collect data for the city“. Detailled information regarding topics, procedure, and application, as well as the results of the innovation challenge 2018 can be found at