Jan 28, 2025
Device for fast parallelized additive manufacturing
Physical Sciences, Automotive, Measurement Technology
- Challenging geometries such as overhang structures can be printed without support structures
- Ideal method to functionalize objects (e.g. thermal and electrical conductivity, addition of sensors & actuators)
- Multimaterial objects printable (e.g. surface coatings etc.)
Your contact
Dr. Rebecca Kohler
- E-Mail:
- rkohler@baypat.de
- Phone:
- +49 (0) 89 5480177 - 33
- Reference Number:
- B80011
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Additive manufacturing ist fast becoming one of the most important manufacturing techniques. While ideal for prototyping, it is now also being used for the serial production of e.g. automotive and aerospace parts and of consumer goods such as shoes etc. Printers have become cheaper and more accurate, printing materials more varied, and competence and knowledge much greater. However, compared to older techniques like injection moulding, additive manufacturing ist still painstakingly slow, preventing a broader use in serial production. In additive manufacturing, e.g. in Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), the build-up of the manufactured object is often slow, because each layer has to be completed before the next can be started. Since additive manufacturing is now no longer used for mainly prototyping, but also for serial productions, saving time during the manufacturing process is crucial in order to reduce production costs. Individual printing units are limited in their potential to speed up.
The invention describes a Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) manufacturing device for the layered production of objects. Its main feature is the multiple number of printing units (extruders), each with a separate transfer plate. The printing unit extrudes at least one layer onto a transfer plate, which then moves into position. The build plate, which is rotated 180 degrees relative to the transfer plate, then moves into position over the transfer plate. Afterwards the build plate takes over the layer from the transfer plate by means of controlled pressure and temperature in order to produce the object.
Commercial Opportunities
- Several layers can be produced simultaneously, thus speeding up the production process
- Challenging geometries such as overhang structures can be printed without support structures
- Ideal method to functionalize objects (e.g. thermal or electrical conductivity, sensors & actuators)
- Multimaterial objects printable (e.g. surface coatings etc.)
Development Status