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Primary sensor for magnetostrictive force measurement

Physical Sciences, Messtechnik

  • Ideal for "lost sensor" concepts, e.g. for precise bearing adjustment
  • Can potentially deliver data while machines or vehicles are running
  • Extending operating life of bearings, minimizing machine down time and service cost
  • Huge commercial impact, highest customer satisfaction

Ihr Kontakt

Thomas Hummel

+49 (0) 89 5480177 - 39


Force and torque measurements areindispensable in many areas of technology.The commonly used strain gauges work verywell in the laboratory, but are often lackingrobustness and are costly.
The widely used alternative, piezoelectricforce sensors, can inherently only measuredynamic changes in force application.Furthermore, they are not integrated into theloaded structure, but are mounted outside ofit, which results in disadvantages in the designof a machine.


Beyond load detection or determination ofprocess forces, the new primary sensor isparticularly suitable for direct preloadadjustment in the assembly of adjustedbearing arrangements, e.g. for tractor ortruck axles, for rear axle differential sprocketbearing adjustment in cars or similarapplications. In contrast to the innovative directpreload adjustment in the bearing assembly,state of the art methods are indirect methods.The preload of bearings is estimated bymeasuring, e.g. drag torque or biasdisplacement.

Kommerzielle Möglichkeiten

  • Ideal for "lost sensor" concepts, e.g. for precise bearing adjustment
  • Can potentially deliver data while machines or vehicles are running
  • Extending operating life of bearings, minimizing machine down time and service cost
  • Huge commercial impact, highest customer satisfaction


Technology readiness level 4-5: Technologyvalidated in lab and relevant environment


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